First a message from us..
Hey, thanks for stopping by. By checking out our website you may see ads that pay to be listed on our site through Google. We also have partners and ambassador links that give us a kickback when you make a purchase with them through our link. It’ll be pretty obvious when those are listed. If a blog is ever written for a sponsor, it’ll be said at the top, nice, and clear. We also really love our full-time jobs and don’t plan on leaving them to pursue travel full-time. With that said, we don’t feel any incentive to sell our souls to make money through advertising something we don’t actually like or agree with. If you see us promoting something, it’s because it’s actually something we like. We’ll make it clear when content is sponsored.
If you ever have a concern about any of this or don’t feel we’re being transparent, first, know that we’re doing our best. Second, this is our passion for helping encourage others to pursue a life they love. Third, we’re open to feedback. Reach out.
All the best,
General Advertising Disclaimer
Courtney and Mike are part of multiple affiliate sales networks. This means that we may be compensated if you (the consumer) chooses to utilize the links located throughout our website. We do our best to make it obvious who our partners are.
We only recommend resources that have provided value to our lives and that we think may provide value to yours. We always encourage education over blind consumerism. When you use our links we receive a small percentage of the sale at no additional cost to the purchaser. The money we receive from our advertising relationships helps fund our site and maybe buys us dinner.