Helping others connect to their adventurous life.
Courtney and Mike
Travel Blog
Adventure is out there whether it is near or far.
We aren’t full-time travel bloggers. We’re probably a lot like you. We work full-time and believe in finding adventure near and far. We swam beneath a waterfall in Kaua’i and skied across a frozen lake in our hometown Madison, WI, and both brought us joy. In the age of social media and feeling like you’re always missing out on the grand adventure, we want to encourage you to not miss out on the ones in your own backyard in addition to those bucket list locations.
We love Wisconsin.
Wisconsin is an underrated gem. Whether you’re visiting the food scene in Madison or getting outside on one of our lakes Wisconsin has something for everyone.
Courtney, Mike, and also Bodie
Courtney Terry
Chief Positive Energy Officer
Courtney is the deliverer of the most smiles per hour on almost all trips. She keeps Mike wild.
Mike Terry
Chief Planning
Mike likes spreadsheets and interesting rest stops. He keeps Courtney safe.
Bodacious “Bodie” Terry
Lead De-Sanitation Officer
He really just pees on stuff but he’s such a good boy. He keeps Courtney and Mike busy.